Monday, September 28, 2009

Lady in a weep…

I understand that someone is ignoring me because I am being irresponsible with school lately. Late assignments, ghost participation in class, near death INC and late arrivals on team meetings were my mortal sins which I realized a long ago but chose to just ignore for a lot of times. Before the semester, I had made a decision that really changed my life’s perspectives and I had been blinded by my detour not knowing that it was bounded to be worthless in the sense that there was no reason for me to keep going.

I had been through tough times for the last months and it took a painful incident to end it. Not to mention, I was deprived of sleeping during the night. But deeper than that, it was all of me who suffered. I was hit heart and soul. I try my hardest to live a smooth life but then there are unexpected events that are meant to mess up people’s lives. Unfortunately, I was destined to be the victim. It really made me cry buckets of tears. It made me think harder of what kind of person I was. I am a good person and I am trying to be for the rest of my life but how come do I need to linger the pain of being miserably accused of something I am confident of not doing?

A part of growing up, people would say. I thank God for this trial. I am back to normal, stronger than before. I now have to count the things that need to be done and make up for it as soon as possible. Go for the goal!

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